
Quaternary Research Association logo - white
British Society for Geomorphology logo - white


I am grateful to the following organisations for funding this project to date: University of Worcester (School of Science and the Environment Learning and Teaching Fund), the Quaternary Research Association, and the British Society for Geomorphology. Funding is used for travel, equipment and software.

I am also grateful to various individuals who have supported and encouraged my virtual fieldwork interests over the years. At Worcester, these include Ian Maddock, Heather Barrett, Alan Dixon, John Newbury, Mike Wheeler and Liz Davies-Ward. Ian and I have also benefited from collaboration and support from colleagues at the University of California at Davis, including Sarah Yarnell, Ryan Peek and Nick Santos.

I’d also like to thank my colleagues in IT for providing me with early access to a new WordPress server, fielding a number of technical queries, and generally providing excellent support.

Finally, thanks to all the wonderful students at Worcester for their feedback and good humour over many years.

Des McDougall
Worcester, UK.

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Picture of Dr Des McDougall (BSc, PhD, SFHEA)

Dr Des McDougall (BSc, PhD, SFHEA)

I'm a Physical Geographer at the University of Worcester (England, UK). Interests include mountain glaciers, mountain geomorphology and Quaternary environmental change. I'm also interested in the use of virtual reality in teaching.

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In order to support the ongoing development of this site, it would be really helpful if you could let me know why and how you use the resource. I’d also appreciate hearing any ideas you may have for improvements. Thank you!